Never mind I actually do pretty well with what time I have! Including managing to get a week of days off work! Normally this would mean I sit down and force myself to get a whole bunch of stuff batch painted! Not so this time.
I stepped on the bathroom scales in the first time in ages! Probably a good thing. I have known for years that I was over weight but, was happy to float 6kg's between 88 and 94kg's. However 97 was too much for me so decided to do something about. My wife and I have both decided to change our eating habits. Instead of having a plate full of meat and potato, we are now actually going by serving sizes and not snacking as much throughout the day. So far I have dropped 3.5kg's and am feeling better than I have in ages, so it seems to be working!
So other than that hopefully life changing decision, I have been doing some hobby. First of all the Executioners force I plan on building on has been on hold for a couple of reasons. First I would like to see what 6th edition of 40k brings. I would hate to spend a bucket load of money on an army that I couldn't then use in a game. Second I am struggling to find a paint scheme that I am really happy with for them. I am not sure the metallic looks is right for the force I want. So I will continue to try and find the schemes that I like best then probably ask for some opinions and go from there.
I do want to try and push my painting skills in the meantime, so I had a look at the Warhammer Forge side of things. Now when I started playing Fantasy, my friend always took Chaos Dwarves and I always took Dark Elves. These are the games that I remember the most fondly! We stacked the board with terrain and had difficult and entertaining battles! It was also these early games that got me hooked on taking musicians! My friend always feels the points are better spent on an extra trooper or 5 throughout the army, than upgrading one model. As fate would have it, this means that I win most combats by the musician bonus after a tight drawn round!
I have also started painting my Dreadfleet, erm, fleet! Had my love of my Beastmen army rekindled by a post I read on Bell of Lost Souls., and also started work on some Ogre Maneaters to finish off my 3k army of them! Below is a work in progress of the first.
I will add some waves around body, as if the are emerging from water. Also for line of sight reasons I will always have a separate full sized ogre to swap in if people are trying to target them!
And to top it off, the Blood Bowl league I am a part of has kicked off for another season, and I have the choice of which Tournament I will enter this year and which team to take as well as build a custom board to fit with the team! Last year I took a the "Phlorida Gators", a Lizardmen team with "The Swamp" their home ziggarut stadium. I ended up in the top half of the final standings both overall and in casualty count from memory. But more importantly I took home the best custom board medal! A feat I hope to do again soon!
The centre tower doubles as a dice tower as well as being a nice focal point.
Anywasy, Once again time has caught up with me and I need to go do the funniest daddy in the world routine (my kids are rather sheltered apparently).