Thursday, 2 February 2012

A New Start

Hello, and welcome to the start of a new adventure into the world of blogging!

First I guess I should start out with a little about myself.  I am a 30 year geek, happily married to a closet geek with 3 wonderful children.  I have been playing GW games since I was about 10 years old, starting with the old Milton Bradley games of Heroquest and Space Crusade before moving on to play Blood Bowl, Epic then eventually second edition Warhammer Fantasy, before moving on to second edition 40k.

Over the years I have collected far too many little grey men and most aren't painted!  Now there are various reasons for this.  To start with I am inherently lazy! Not a great excuse and something I am always trying to better myself with.  Secondly my eyesight is terrible, so bad in fact that when I was 18 my ophthalmologist said I had the eyes of a 40 year old! Couple that with an essential tremor (my body produces to much adrenaline causing my hands to shake) and it makes painting challenging!  Finally the biggest killer of getting my armies painted now days is time!

Now that isn't to say I don't paint my armies, cause I do!  In fact in terms of painted miniatures I have more in my collection than some of my friends who I started gaming with!  I admit I will never win any painting awards, and on close inspection people will notice that not all the detail has been painted (I never paint eyes for example), but if my army looks cohesive and finished from the other side of a gaming table then I am happy with the results!

So why did I start this then? Umm, I dunno really!  I guess I hope to use this blog as motivation to actually finish projects, to share the hobby that I love and occasionally brag about my children or the rare game that i actually manage to win!

Now recently I have decided that I want a 40k army to spend time on and actually paint to the best of my ability and to try and push my painting further than I have before.  Also seeing as this is going to be a long term project, and not a force I want to get onto the table top quickly, I am going to go with an almost all Forgeworld marine army (all on nice resin bases, most likely from "Back 2 Base-ix" as I have used them before and have never had issues with any of their products, plus their Aussie)

The big question was, "Which Chapter?"  This had me stumped a little.  I knew I wanted to use the MkIV, V, and VI armours, as well as the old Rogue Trader style special and heavy weapons!  The problem was that none of the original legions jumped out at me.  I didn't want to do one of the traitor legions, I don't like Ultramarines, neither of the Angels appealed to me.  Raven Guard?  I painted my AoBR marines as Raven Guard, but do I want to do them again?  Nope.  Imperial Fists? Well may Dark Eldar have tons of yellow on them so something else maybe?  A successor chapter then?

The only successor chapters that I really like are from the Badab War, what with all their cool camo and stuff, but I had already done that 5 years ago!

I had done these Executioners back in 2007, but my painting has improved since then!  It was settled, I will revisit the Executioners!  This time I will use use them in the new Forgeworld colour scheme.  Since they are now a 3rd founding chapter, if I put my Veterans in MkV Heresy plate and the other guys in MkVI that should work.

So I have nutted out a list that includes the IA:10 Chaplain, Pedro Kantor, Sternguard, Tactical Squads and some Vanguard, all riding around in Rhinos and Razorbacks.  Still 6th edition is not fr away now according to the winds of rumour, so collect small and slow and if it needs to change I won't be fully committed to a certain course. 

So there you have it, a new blog, a new long term plan, and hopefully soon some test pics (or pics of something else if I get distracted!)


  1. I am a sucker for anything from IA9 or 10, I freakin' love the Badab War stuff.

  2. The Badab War is probably the only Marine fluff I constantly enjoy, whatever else gets added or expanded I keep coming back to it! Glad Forgeworld fleshed it out heaps but still left room for mystery with some of the chapters!

    Also thanks for coming to take a look and commenting :D
